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  • Writer's pictureKaley Martin

My First Academic Conference Acceptance!

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

Shameless office photo with Big AL to document this day because a colleague and my's research was accepted to the Broadcast Education Association 2021 Conference!

As a first-year doctoral student, this was such a win. I'll be presenting a digital poster on Dr. Danielle Deavours and I's paper titled "Getting the Real World News Experience: A Revised TAM Model to Measure Augmented Reality’s Effects on Journalism Audiences’ Acceptance and Perceived Credibility of News".

What's Our Study About?

Both being from industry, we wanted to create a practical study that used real-world, low-cost products that are available to the everyday journalist. The inspiration for the stimuli came from the Adobe 2020 Conference where they launched their newest application, Adobe Aero. Adobe Aero is a mobile-friendly augmented reality application and is free to download making it ideal for local mobile journalists. Adobe Aero allows journalists to add pre-prepared graphics to their AR platform and record the overlayed graphics with their mobile device camera. These graphics can also be animated further, pinned to locations, contain audio cues, and more (Martin & Deavours, 2021).

From Our Abstract:

Augmented reality creates new storytelling opportunities for journalists, but much of augmented reality research is limited to user implementation or in-studio application. This study seeks to fill a gap in the current literature to better understand whether audiences are ready to accept AR as a form of journalistic storytelling. Utilizing an experimental design to test the perceived ease of use, usefulness, telepresence, enjoyment, and perceived credibility of AR news, this study seeks to build upon current understandings of the likelihood of audiences to adopt AR news content and continue to use it. By examining additional variables than the constructs previously modeled, the authors additionally offer a revision of the Technology Acceptance Model to allow future scholars to evaluate news technology acceptance by audiences (Martin & Deavours, 2021).

Update: The conference went great and we presented our poster during the Research-In-Progress Poster Session I! View our poster below.

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